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This 'China Rose' variety of Radish micro greens have a  beautiful pink stem making any dish look stunning. A very full flavor micro green thats great on salads or sandwiches, in soups or smoothies the possibilites are endless. My new personal favorite is blended with almond milk, I found it to be supprisingly delicious and crazy good for you too. 

Radish microgreens list of nutrients reads like the info panel on a bottle of multivitamins. These are some seriously powerful little greens. Not only do they contain vitamins A, B, C, E, and K, they also deliver calcium iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc. But that’s not all. Radish microgreens are rich in essential amino acids and chlorophyll which has all sorts of benefits from cancer-fighting properties to digestive aid. These babies also contain a whole lot of fiber and roughage which we all know is important to help keep things running smooth.



PriceFrom $20.00
  • We deliver fresh micro greens rite after harvesting and if your not going to be home, no worries just leave a cooler out with a litte ice. Our delivery driver will appricate it and your micro greens will thank you.

    During delivery micro greens are kept in a temperature controlled environment and being fresh cut they should last for a week or more when properly stored, cool and dry is key to a long shelf life. If you transfer them to another container, something breathable is best and if necessary a  paper towel can be added to absorb any excess moisture.

    If you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to ask. 

  • Half Tray(10"x10")= 4-5 servings

    Full Tray(10"x20")= 8-10 servings

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