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These beauties are delicious, they have a refreshing sweet pea taste that goes great on salads or in wraps and sandwiches etc. They bring a wonderful gormet look and flavor to hot dishes as well, being cautious not to over cook you can add Pea Shoots at the end of a stirfry, soup etc.

Here are some fun facts about Pea Shoots microgreens :

Seven times more vitamin C than blueberries.

Eight times more folate than bean sprouts.

Four times more Vitamin A than tomatoes.

Up to 69% of high quality bioavailable protein.

The following data is done on a 100g (3.5oz) sample of fresh, organically grow Pea Shoots.

• Vitamin C (mg)........................69.0

• Vitamin A (µg)........................407.0

• Folic Acid (µg)........................57.0

• Calories.................................18.0

• Protein (g)..............................3.1

• Carbohydrates (g).....................2.0

• Unsaturated Fat (g)...................6.0

• Saturated Fat (g).......................1.0

• Fiber (g)..................................2.0

• Sodium (g)...............................0.02


Pea Shoots

  • We deliver fresh micro greens rite after harvesting and if your not going to be home, no worries just leave a cooler out with a litte ice. Our delivery driver will appricate it and your micro greens will thank you.

    During delivery micro greens are kept in a temperature controlled environment and being fresh cut they should last for a week or more when properly stored, cool and dry is key to a long shelf life. If you transfer them to another container, something breathable is best and if necessary a  paper towel can be added to absorb any excess moisture.

    If you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to ask. 

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