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Of all the spices that are traded around the entire world mustard is the second most popular spice. Mustard microgreens are very much like any other microgreen; tender and juicy while offering a gentle spicy kick. Consuming mustard microgreens offer a wide range of nutritional benefits. It is said to be a good source of several vitamins such as A, B6, C, K and E. It is high in carbohydrates, protein, fiber, folate, calcium, iron and sodium, just to name a few. Mustard microgreens are said to be one of the most nutrient dense foods in the world. This particular microgreen is loaded with nutritious value which is capable of fighting off diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and possibly cancer.

Some other nutritional benefits of mustard microgreens are:

They contain high levels of antioxidants - Research has shown that the antioxidant content in these microgreens have the ability to reduce the growth rate of certain cancers, such as colon, bladder and lung cancer. They will also be helpful in fighting off any flu-like symptoms, therefore keeping away any viral infections. It detoxifies the liver and blood - When consumed, mustard microgreens help the body to remove toxins from the liver and blood. They aid in digestion - microgreens in general are easy to digest. When we have sufficient fiber in our foods, it promotes smoother bowel movements which therefore mean a reduction in the occurrence of hemorrhoids and even colon cancer. They help to relieve congestion - They help to clear our the sinuses and congested mucus membranes. They help build strong bones because of the high calcium and vitamin K content - Vitamin K aids in the provision of healthy bone development in the body. They help build the immune system - The Vitamin C that is contained in the mustard microgreens helps to strengthen the immune system. They hinders the growth of cancer cells - This is due to the high antioxidant levels. They provide relief for persons with arthritis - These greens have anti-imflammatory properties which play a helpful role in reducing a person's arthritis pains.

They slows aging, reduces the likelihood of migraines occurring, stimulates healthy hair growth, aid in the relief of muscle pains, reduce fever symptoms, promote skin and eye health and they contain polyphenols which are associated with the reduced risk of heart disease and even Alzheimer's.


  • We deliver fresh micro greens rite after harvesting and if your not going to be home, no worries just leave a cooler out with a litte ice. Our delivery driver will appricate it and your micro greens will thank you.

    During delivery micro greens are kept in a temperature controlled environment and being fresh cut they should last for a week or more when properly stored, cool and dry is key to a long shelf life. If you transfer them to another container, something breathable is best and if necessary a  paper towel can be added to absorb any excess moisture.

    If you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to ask. 

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