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This 'Disico' Broccoli is one of our popular micro greens that we grow every week which makes this a great addition to any order, and its loaded with nutrition. Broccoli microgreens contain the highest amount of sulforaphane available compared to almost any other food. Sulforaphane is a sulphur compound found in cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, bok choy and cabbage. Here are just a few benefits sulfurophane is known for : Fighting inflammation Cancer prevention Improved heart health Improved digestion


  • We deliver fresh micro greens rite after harvesting and if your not going to be home, no worries just leave a cooler out with a litte ice. Our delivery driver will appricate it and your micro greens will thank you.

    During delivery micro greens are kept in a temperature controlled environment and being fresh cut they should last for a week or more when properly stored, cool and dry is key to a long shelf life. If you transfer them to another container, something breathable is best and if necessary a  paper towel can be added to absorb any excess moisture.

    If you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to ask. 

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